Monday, December 19, 2011

Sound Technology Online - A Higher Education

Schools and colleges are growing and providing a better means for all students to gain an education by offering online programs. Students who are interested in pursuing a career in the exciting field of recording may look to an online sound technology program. With an online education students will train for employment in the entertainment or music industry working with equipment to produce DVD's, CD's, and sound for television and more. As a sound technician student you can learn the use of technology and the various types of equipment needed to create recordings. Technicians and other degree holders in this field utilize computer software and other equipment to mix and record music and sound effects. Degrees in sound technology are available at several levels including associates, bachelors, and masters.

There are a number of online schools that offer training for associate degree programs. Online instruction in sound technology can provide students with the training and experience they need for a career in engineering technology and audio recording. An accredited associate's degree program for sound technology usually includes somewhere around 72 semester credit hours that can be completed in one to two years. Coursework for a student pursuing an associate's degree may include the study of:

analog and digital recording devices
audio mixing techniques
digital recording, audio mastering
analog tape recording
post-recording engineering

and more. Students can train to become sound engineers, CD mastering engineers, audio recording engineers, or continue their education and receive a bachelor's degree.

A bachelor's degree in sound technology usually takes four years for completion and requires students to complete 120 to 130 credit hours. Students can train for a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) which is the most desired degree in the field of sound technology. Those looking to earn a bachelors degree in this field should have strong skills and academic records in areas such as math and science. Some online educational programs may require students to study:

physics of acoustics
audio production methods
sound mixing
recording technology

and other areas of study. With an accredited degree at this level students can expect to start a career as a sound engineering technician, or pursue a master's degree.

Students who wish to earn a masters degree in sound technology must hold a bachelors degree in the field in order to be accepted into a program at this level. There are a variety of online schools that offer a Master of Fine Art in sound technology. With online training students will be required to complete around 60 credit hours, which may take six semesters to finish. Study at this level allows students to focus on specific areas of sound technology including creative sound strategies and psychoacoustics. Coursework will also include:

Multitrack audio recording
advanced sound synthesis
digital audio recording technology

and much more. With a masters degree from an online school students can train to become a record company executive, senior sound engineer, or record producer.

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